Week 8

How are you doing in your other classes?


  1. I am doing exceptionally well in my other classes. I have good grades and I am learning a great deal of information. At first I was amazed at how much material we were covering in such as short amount of time, but after the first couple exams I can tell that it actually works quite well. I was also amazed at first by how much homework/studying there was outside of class, but living on campus gives me enough time to get it all done and still have a couple hours here and there to chill out and have some fun. I really appreciate the tutors in RISE for helping me understand the material in my classes, as they definitely helped me prepare for the exams. Overall, I am doing great in my classes and I actually really enjoy them.

  2. I am thriving in my other classes. Other than the countless hours spent in Chem lab on Thursday afternoons I enjoy most of my days because I get to pump out all my work in the afternoons and then have all my evenings to do whatever I like. Although quite boring Chemistry has been my highest grade since the start of the semester, with Engineering (my major) trailing shortly behind. Religion gets me thinking about the abstract, and Calculus has pushed me to start studying that little bit more than in High School (which was close to none). I am excited to start Engineering discovery seminar to find out what kind of engineering I really want to do because that will help me tremendously on choosing my classes for next semester. I enjoy most of my classes other than the tedious Chem lab and hope to continue doing well in them.

  3. Class has been mostly alright for me. I kind of float between days of confidence in what i'm doing to days where I'm not so sure. Every once in a while I get a little overwhelmed and feel like I'm being crushed by my responsibilities. Even so, I always find a way out of it. Chem lab is an absolute bear of a class not because it's hard but because there is so much busy work and my TA is really picky. As I begin working through these classes I'm beginning to realize that I may not be in the right major. I'm still not sure yet but I hope I can figure it out soon.

  4. Most of my classes are going pretty well. For the most part I am maintaining a high B average. I feel like I'm handling the work load pretty well, although sometimes it piles up. I really enjoy engineering and solving problems when I know exactly what I'm doing, but when I can't understand a particular concept I like it a little lest. Chemistry is by far my hardest subject simply because I've never been good chemistry. I should probably start going to some PAL sessions, lol.

  5. Failing in some classes, the others I have B's. I have been having a rough time in a couple classes, trapped in holes that I dug myself. I get really unfocused and spend time reading on the internet about things that are irrelevant, in books I download off the internet, or listening to music. My mom is upset with me because I try to be as honest as I can about my life when I drive home everyday from school. I told her recently that I would try to figure out how to sort out my life and my distractions and anxieties instead of just complaining, so I'm getting help from a counselor to talk about my problems and the other things that have happened in my life that I haven't dealt with. I've always been smart and a good student, so the whole thing has just hurt my ego, not only from now but also from my old college.

  6. I'm doing fairly well in my other classes. Chemistry is fairly straightforward but the take-home quizzes are annoying because the questions aren't based on anything he taught us. Engineering is honestly kinda boring. I'm starting to feel like a human calculator rather than a problem solver. Then again you have to start somewhere with problem solving. That feeling led to a bad grade on the first test but I think this last test was a lot better. Physics of climate change is interesting but can get boring. I have an A in the class and that's all that really matters. Calculus is really interesting and is nice to have a refresher on it. This has led to some arrogance and lack of studying creating a deficit on my first test. I really don't understand the importance of studying yet. I'm never motivated enough to do it unless it's seemingly out of despair. I'll eventually learn.

  7. My classes have been going alright but calculus has been the toughest for me. Chem is close behind but puts less stress on me. Engineering and anthropology have not been bad and English has been honestly one of my favorite classes, and I usually do not like English at all. I like it more than usual because its not just writing boring papers, we actually have discussions. I really never want to step foot in a Chem class or lab after this semester. I have had to drastically change my study habits, as I did not have to work hard in high school.

  8. Mostly because of the rigor of my high school experience, college classes haven't been too much of a challenge for me thus far, and I have mostly A's. I have been working to keep a fairly structured schedule and manage my time well, but with 17 credit hours and a lot of new temptations socially, I have struggled at times. Club lacrosse has also taken a lot of time out of my week, but fortunately not too much. The class I am struggling in most is Calc 2060, which hasn't been extremely hard, but the first exam had a ton of material on it and I didn't study as much as I could have for it. Overall, I am mostly satisfied with how I'm doing in all of my classes, but I have work to do still to make sure I am successful at the end of the semester.

  9. At the moment my classes are fairly easy, but extremely busy. Learning content isn't the tough part it's the time management that gets to me. Calculus 1060 is my hardest class based on the amount of content learned in the small amount of time we have to learn it in. My grades are quite steady from B's to A's which makes me extremely happy. Before college I had never made less than a 96% on a test, but when I got here I received a 51% on my first Calculus exam. This freaked me out pretty badly and also motivated me to focus harder. College has been a huge wake-up call to my emotional and physical self. Besides the toughness of time management and busy schedule, college has been amazing. I love engineering even though it's just conversions right now. English class fuckin' sucks and so does the professor (he's super weird). My Chem professor is about 100 years old and makes me fall asleep every class despite the fact that I love chemistry. I'm in Military Leadership and I'm enlisted in the Army, so that has put a large load on my schedule as well.

  10. All of my classes have been going well, in Geology I am doing fine but I could do better if I study more for the exams, Linear algebra is going well too it isn't that hard and there isn't much homework, but the teacher is kind of weird, I don't like the way he teaches, during the entire class period we just sit and watch him give lecture and do problems and it gets boring. The other class is programming, the labs and projects are challenging but I am able to do them and in the lab section I am doing well, but in the lecture part it can be complicated sometimes the professor gives pop quizzes.

  11. Despite not being irreparable, I would not say that I am doing particularly well in all of my classes. My engineering class is by far the one I am performing best in, mostly due to the material basically being review over what I have already learned. Math is my second best, the only reason it isn't higher being my forgetfulness of completing digital worksheets for the class and that I mistakenly thought all the material was review, in a similar vein to the engineering class, when in face there was been new material introduced alongside it. Rhetoric is a class I am not doing too, almost entirely due to my lack of answering blogs; this is normally because, at the time of being asked, I had yet to have a specific answer and either didn't have my answer until it was too late or simply forgot about it. My worst class is definitely Chemistry. I've been having quite a bit of difficulty grasping the concepts and, due to its early time, have actually missed a class due to sleeping through my alarm.

  12. I am doing fairly well in my other classes mostly because I have already done the course or a similar course in high school. I have mostly A's in my other classes for now. Chemistry and Chem Lab has been pretty hard due to everything being new combined with the fast pacing of the class. Getting used to the schedule and homework has been difficult because high school was much more relaxed but I'm getting used to over time I think.


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